Best 4 Lessons of Success By Bill Gates | There is no need to introduce the largest philanthropist in the world, Bill Gates. From his Microsoft career to his new position in philanthropy, Gates has demonstrated his ability to be extremely successful in both fields.

Here are the four main elements that characterize success that we can learn from Bill Gates: living by specific life ideals and giving humanity solutions.

Lesson#1-Love to Share Knowledge:

“The Road Ahead” and “Business at the Speed of thought” are two of Bill Gates’ books. These books are a great resource for anyone, especially aspiring young business owners going through difficult times. In his book “Business at the Speed of Thought,” he also made predictions of technology that are still 100% accurate as of 2017. This experience teaches us to share our knowledge. By imparting our expertise to others, we all gain.

Power comes from knowledge. Giving others access to our knowledge empowers them, and it mysteriously returns to us in ways we never could have predicted. We develop!

Lesson#2-Be Generous and Help the Poor:

Best 4 Lessons of Success By Bill Gates | During his 1997 trip to Africa, Gates visited a tuberculosis facility. He made his decision to become a philanthropist there to aid the impoverished and help them escape poverty as well as strive towards the eradication of deadly diseases. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was established as a result of that tour. With an emphasis on health, education, and economic development in underdeveloped nations, Bill Gates has invested more than 28 billion dollars.

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Gates left his full-time job at Microsoft in 2006 to take on this issue and fight for the elimination of deadly diseases in developing nations.

The moral of the story is that if God has bestowed upon you riches and power, use it to benefit others. You can act as a superhuman by helping people escape hopelessness and suffering and by bringing happiness and prosperity into their lives.

The film featuring Bill and Melinda Gates discussing their journey into philanthropy may be seen here. When Gates’s wife talks about his experience at a TB clinic in Africa, you can see the hope in his eyes.

Lesson#3-Dream Big & Work Hard:

You have to admire the man who has maintained his position as the richest person on Earth for an extended period of time and who still has objectives to strive for. A few of his objectives are absurd. It is admirable that he hopes to eradicate four diseases by 2030.

That quote is from a man who predicted thirty years ago that a personal computer would be in every home. We think that in the future, he may pursue his audacious goals and work to eradicate these four illnesses.

The takeaway from this is to aim high and put in a lot of effort to realize your dreams.

Lesson#4-Quotes to Live By:

Many of his remarks over his prosperous thirty-plus years in the public eye have inspirational quotations attached to them. These are a few chosen quotations that sum up the man’s wisdom.

Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning

“Don’t compare yourself with anyone else in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself”

“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure”

“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose. Life is not fair; get used to it.”

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